Stylus Productions


VIDEO LECTURES by Dr. William J. Neidinger


  1. Topography and History.  The Forum was the heart of Rome, the site of some of Rome’s most ancient, sacred and splendid buildings. The swamp amidst the hills of Rome would seem ill suited to become the political heart of the city, but it did. Dr. Neidinger examines the lay of the land and what it took to render it usable, and discusses what events transpired within the confines of the Roman Forum.
  2. The Ruins of the Western Forum. An examination of the history, the construction and the ultimate fate of such monuments in the Roman Forum as the Basilica Aemilia, the Senate, the Temples of Saturn, Concord and the Divine Julius, the Column of Phocas, the Arch of Severus and many more.
  3. The Ruins of the Eastern Forum.  An examination of the history, the construction and the fate of such monuments in the Roman Forum as the Basilica of Constantine, the Arch of Titus, Santa Maria Antiqua, the Vesta complex, the Regia, the Temple of Venus and Rome, the Temple of Antoninus and many more.


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THE ROMAN FORUM Series at Amazon Video

Lecture 3

Lecture 1

Lecture 2


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Rome: A History of the City

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Lecture notes outline available as a printed book and e-book from

Notes in PDF format will be provided with DVD purchase.

THE ROMAN FORUM Series also available on

Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire

Greek & Roman Art & Archaeology

A Biography of Augustus


Series also available on DVD:


Buy item 145 DVD

Rome was the capital of the Empire and the Forum was the heart of the city. Decisions of war and peace, proclamations of triumphs and disasters and promulgations of law and order were made by the Senate and the assemblies in the Forum. Some of Rome’s most ancient, sacred and splendid buildings were erected in the Forum. In this 3-lecture series archaeologist and historian Dr. William J. Neidinger discusses the topography of the Forum and the events which occurred in the Forum, and then examines 50 of the structures of the Forum.
